Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Presidential Election

The time I posted this there still hasn't been a new President this 2016. I am very disappointed in most of the people in America. I can't believe so many people actually voted/vote for Trump! I am seriously on the edge of wanting to punch something (Punching Bag). I am extremely scared he is gonna win. Why can't America just vote for Hillary and not Trump?? I am tired of the election :( I wish it could just be over!!!

Monday, October 17, 2016

2 Fun Facebook Question Things!

I've decided I am going to do 2 facebook question things.

1st thing:

🔓Single or Taken🔒: Single
💘Crushing💘: I definitely am!!
🎀If So, Do They Know?🎀 Yes they do!!
💋Full Name💋: Zoe Love (Not including my last name)
💏 Do you miss your last relationship 💏 : I didn't really have a last relationship.
💕 Ex you would take back 💕: None.
📱iPhone Or Android📞: Android
🎉Birthday🎉: January 3rd
🎶Last Song I Listened: I Write Sins Not Tragedies (Nightcored) by Panic! At the Disco
🌈Favorite Color: pink/black
🎥Favorite Movie🎥: Corpse Bride, This will always be my favorite movie!
☝🏽Height☝🏽: 5'3
🙇🏽What Mood I'm In Now🙇🏽: always dreamy in the morning. 

2nd thing:

Four names I go by:
1. Zoe
2. Zozo
3. Zz
4. Zozo bean
Four places I've lived:  (I've only lived in two places...)
1. Tulsa, ok
2. Denver, co
Four things I love to watch on TV
1. Liv and Maddie
2. Girl Meets World
3. Steps to Wander
4. (Cant think of anything here)
Four places I have visited
1. Florida
2. Indiana
3. Missouri
4.  Kansas
Things I love to eat
1. Pumpkin Pie
2. Lasagna
3. Chocolate (Hersheys)
4. Spagetti
Favorite drink
1. Pumpkin Spice Iced Latte from Starbucks
2. Root Beer
3. Apple Juice and Grape Juice
4. Water

Hope you enjoyed learning a bit about me in this post!

About me!

I think it's time for you to know a bit about me! My name is Zoe Love. (Love is my middle name)
I love to write, sing, play with legos, animate on scratch.mit.edu and I love to hangout with my friends! Me and some of my friends made a band. Two of them are just friends but Gideon (My oldest brother) and my cousins are apart of it too! I think it's a really fun thing to be talking about and I really hope it actually becomes true. I like to listen to music. I am very passionate about music. At the moment my favorite song is a night-core song (Night-core is a thing people on YouTube do where they take popular music, speed it up a little bit and then add in an anime picture it's really quite cool!) My favorite night-core song is Somebody that I used to know but a night-cored rock version! It's awesome!! I also like to watch two Disney channel shows. Liv and Maddie  and Girl Meets World. They are both pretty awesome shows! I am working on learning how to play Guitar for the band. My oldest cousin is playing the bass/violin. My second cousin is playing the drums. Gideon is playing the harmonica. One of my friends is gonna do vocals. And my other friend is playing Piano! I think all my friends will be good at doing their part in the band! Me and my friend who is doing vocals have decided that every now and then we will switch. But she will be the main singer. Which is completely fine with me! She has an amazing voice! And originally Gideon was going to play piano. But then he switched to harmonica which will be pretty cool. So my other friend took the piano job. And I think he is really good at playing piano! Thanks for reading! ~Zoe

Sunday, October 16, 2016

What I feel I need in my life!

We all have things or people that we feel we cannot live without! So I wanted to make a quick list about what I feel I need in my life to share with you all!

  1. I need my Family. My Family are my best-est friends! They care for me and love me for who I am. I am very lucky to have my family!
  2. I need my Friends. My Friends are also like my Family. My Friends are like the people I can rely on even though they don't share the same last name, siblings, parents or blood as me. They are just a family who I know I can depend on and be with!
  3. Love. One of my favorite things in the world is Love. Love is very important to me. I feel like I cannot be myself without love. My heart is filled with Love!
  4. A way to contact my family/friends (Phone/Computer). I feel I need a way to contact both my family and friends. I want to be able to never forget my friends and them never forget me. So I feel I need a electronic to help me out with that.
  5. A Bed. I love my bed. I need my bed. I want to be able to sleep comfortably and in a nice place! I feel lucky to have a bed and I feel I need my bed.

Well these are the 5 things I feel I need in my life! What are yours?

My Awesome Friends!

I feel very lucky to know my awesome friends I have here in Colorado! When I first moved to Colorado I was nervous that I wouldn't meet anyone who wanted to be my friend luckily I did happen to meet some very awesome friends! All my friends are my best friends and I think that they are the most awesome friends I have! I like hanging out with them at Options and at other places. I love to just sit down and talk with them or play groundies with them on the playground. I love to hangout with my friends!! 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Our First Balloon Fight!

We had just moved into our new house and my cousins came over for the day! We decided we were going to do a balloon fight! We chose the teams based on what Hogwarts House you were in.
Me,My dad and my cousin were on a team. (Raven Claw/Slytherin) While my mom, both brothers and other cousin were on the other team. (Hufflepuff/Gryffindor). It was very fun and everyone got very wet! My cousin that was on my team afterwards made something he called a "mankini" it was funny! I love doing awesome and fun things with my family like this! It was very fun!

First Day Back At Options!

Options is a co-op program for homeschoolers in Colorado! I love going to Options. I kinda wanted the Summer to hurry up and be over. That's how much I love going to Options! I have met a lot of great friends there. I have enjoyed my classes and was excited for my new ones. And I like the teachers there! This is my second year to go to Options! And I am enjoying it so far!

We found out about Options by my cousins. They told us a lot about it and a lot about the friends they met there. I really wanted to move to Colorado and go to Options too! Luckily that happened!

My first day back at options was really fun! My first class is called Literature Choose Your Own Adventure! In that class we take stories, act them out and then change them our way and act that way out. Or sometimes we will right stories that we will act out too! I really enjoy it! My second class is Art. We do art on paper and it is a lot of fun. Recently we did a overlapping art where we drew flowers with pencil, traced them with sharpie and then painted them with water color paints. I enjoyed doing that art project! My third class is Art tech! We do art on the computers! It's a lot of fun and I am glad that I get to be in that class with four of my awesome friends! In my fourth class we do piano! I learned how to play piano when I was about seven then I stopped and forgot how to play so this class helped me out. I basically went from knowing almost nothing to knowing how to play three songs. Ode to Joy, Jingle Bells and Mary had a little lamb. I like that class and I like getting to learn more! And then my fifth class which is International Towne and probably one of my favorite classes! In that class we are being prepared to go to International  Towne. There is something called Ameritowne which we get a job and go to Ameritowne for a day and do our job! It was a very fun experience for me! But now I am in International Towne which is basically the same thing but International! I love to go to options and it is something I look forward to every week!